THE WORLD OF JUEL   -   Official Website of Artist Juel Switzerland 

Press release for the international press, 10.3.2018

The artist and the great Lady of Myanmar

The Swiss contemporary artist Juel – born as Bernhard Schönenberger in Davos/Switzerland – is in front of a further milestone of his artistic creativity.

He painted and dedicated for

Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Prize for Peace Winner andThe State Counsellor of Myanmar

one of his latest artwork which he will personally present her in Myanmar coming week.

Since long years he followed up her great personal engagement for Burma. With his own art creation , the so called “Bioglyphe” he captured her forever.

Myanmar, the ancient Burma, is very closed to him. He already visited 1984 this country and dedicated 1991 one artwork to Burma.

The entire work of Juel is formed of a large scale. His fantastic symbolism will be completed through his very personal note. Juel is fascinated by the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics – and in long yeas efforts he studied them in Cairo. Juel adopted them in his art expression and created subsequently his own vision:”bioglyphe”. He painted a portrait of a very special personality and above the painted portrait, he writes in hieroglyphics the whole biography of the said personality. With a further creation:”the Hieroglyphic Art” he tries to catch the mystic and magic.

Important interactions, exhibitions i.e. at Shanghai Contemporary and further brought him to collectors ant art lovers around the world.

Juel is very cosmopolitan, the world is his home and internet as well the social networks allow him to realize himself and to swim against the stream as well to live and find his personal own way ……